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Services: Services
Track and Field Athlete

Individual Mental Skills Training

Our mindset is our foundation, and finding a way to master the mindset is a very important aspect to unlocking our full potential.  These sessions are based on the goals of the individual and certainly include becoming more self-aware.  An example of topics that can be addressed include confidence, managing emotions, anxiety regulation, focus, etc.

Team Workshops

Workshops can be a great way to connect with your team using some interactive games or activities.  These activities can include the whole team working together for a common goal, or they can involve separating members into different groups competing against one another.  There are a wide variety of topics that can be addressed based on the needs of the team, but these can include cohesion, communication, focus, managing emotions, etc.

Fresh Produce

Health Coaching

Whether you want to lose weight, come off of medication, feel better mentally and physically, working with a health coach that focuses on your mindset through the behavior changes will help you create long-term effects.  We can focus on your individual goals and how to reach them, how to navigate bumps in the road to your goal, how to communicate with your loved ones about how they can support you, etc.  Let's change your mindset as you reach your health goals.

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